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  • How to submit Articles, Forms, Photos, News Items, Calendar Notices, Advertisements, and Letters to the WTGS Bulletin: 

    The WTGS Bulletin is a bi-monthly publication: January-February; March-April; May-June; July-August; September-October; November-December
    All submissions need to be received by the 10th day of the month before the upcoming publication. I.e. A submission for September-October would need to be received by August 10th.

Technical Articles:

    • Text submissions should be submitted in either PDF or DOCX format
    • Approved Fonts: Arial, Times
    • Body Font Size: 11
    • Title at Top, Centered, Bolded
    • Authors and Contact information underneath, centered
    • Illustrations, Pictures, Graphics should be integrated into the article at appropriate sections. Utilize PNG, TIFF, PDF, or BITMAP files for pictures, as these are lossless formats
    • Include the Illustrations, Pictures, Graphics separately in lossless format for potential resizing needs

Permian/Oil Field Perspective Articles and Letters:

    • Text submissions should be submitted in either PDF or DOCX format
    • Approved Fonts: Arial, Times, Franklin, Georgia
    • Body Font Size: 11
    • Title at Top, Centered, Bolded
    • Authors underneath, centered
    • Illustrations, Pictures, Graphics should be integrated into the article at appropriate sections. Utilize PNG, TIFF, PDF, or BITMAP files for pictures, as these are lossless formats.
    • Include the Illustrations, Pictures, Graphics separately in lossless format for potential resizing needs


    • Text submissions should be both digital and hard copy. Digital in either in PDF or DOCX format.
    • Formatting can remain per how the form was originally designed
    • Illustrations, Pictures, Graphics integrated into form should ideally utilize PNG, TIFF, PDF, or BITMAP files.


    • Submit any relevant photos to the WTGS Bulletin! It could be utilized on one of our covers, or write out short captions for us to display as in our Permian/OilField Perspective Section!
    • Acceptable Files: TIFF, PNG, PDF
    • If using JPG/JPEG: Maximize quality, and save as Baseline (“Standard”) for maximum quality and the least amount of compression
    • If files are large, create and share a link to files through GoogleDrive or DropBox

Calendar Notices/Short Items:

    • Relevant community calendar notices and other short items may be informally sent through email
    • For Calendar Notice, please note: Society, Date, Event Type, Event Speaker (if relevant), Event Title 

Submissions to WTGS Editor-in-Chief: Haleigh Fitzgerald ( – Add ‘WTGS Bulletin’ in Email Subject Line

Potential Advertisers:

See “Advertising” link at or call (432) 683-1573 for more information on submitting advertisements to the Bulletin.


The WTGS staff will be happy to assist with questions about submissions:, or (432) 683-1573.

Downloadable Document on Submission Guidelines:

WTGS Submission Guidelines.docx

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