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Event details

2022 WTGS Fall Symposium - Full Day Short Course

  • September 20, 2022
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Odessa Marriott Hotel & Conference Center - Devonian Room - 1st Floor

Short Course Name:

Introduction to Python for Geoscientists

Class description:

This introductory-level, one-day course is designed for people who have limited or no previous experience with the Python programming language. The goal is to teach participants basic skills (data in/out, basic calculations, statistical analyses, graphing, etc.) and provide a road map that can be used to further develop their Python coding capabilities. To paraphrase a popular saying: participants will be given a fish (or two) but, more importantly, they will be taught how to fish.

Python is a simple-to-learn and use programming language that is seeing increasing usage in the geosciences and other communities. Python is free, unlike some other, somewhat similar, scientific programming packages. In addition to standalone coding and data analysis applications, many commercial software packages are incorporating Python coding capabilities into their applications in order to provide users with greater flexibility of analyses.

Lectures form a very small portion of the course. Most of the time will be spent having participants run and adapt Python code to analyze wireline logs, core data, and other petroleum-industry datasets.


  1. Introduction to Python, Anaconda, and Jupyter notebooks
  2. Simple mathematical and statistical analyses
  3. Plotting
  4. Reading, writing, and analyzing data using Pandas dataframes
  5. Reading, plotting, and analyzing wireline log data using Welly
  6. Simple machine learning tools
  7. Wrap up: Today the moon, tomorrow the stars.

Date and time of class:

8:00-5:00 Sept. 20, 2022

Total number allowed


Name of instructor

Dr. Bruce Hart


Bio of instructor

Bruce is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Ontario (Canada). He previously held positions with Equinor (Statoil), ConocoPhillips, McGill University, New Mexico Tech, Penn State and the Geological Survey of Canada. During that time, he worked as a professor, researcher, technical specialist and explorationist for shale plays, tight-gas sandstones, tight-oil plays, fractured carbonates and other unconventional targets on six continents. Bruce toured as the AAPG/SEG Distinguished Lecturer in 2009–2010 and again in 2016–2017. He has authored or coauthored more than 60 peer-reviewed publications (three of which have won Best Paper awards) on shales, seismic attributes, stratigraphy, fractured reservoirs, pore-pressure prediction, sequence stratigraphy, and other topics.

Class requirements ie.  Computer, books, etc..

Participants must supply their own computers (PCs are preferred, Apple computers have different file systems that can make it difficult to follow the course) and need to be familiar with basic computer operations (e.g., downloading and installing programs).



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